Emergent Mind


Deep learning-based human activity recognition (HAR) methods have shown great promise in the applications of smart healthcare systems and wireless body sensor network (BSN). Despite their demonstrated performance in laboratory settings, the real-world implementation of such methods is still hindered by the cross-subject issue when adapting to new users. To solve this issue, we propose ActiveSelfHAR, a framework that combines active learning's benefit of sparsely acquiring data with actual labels and self- training's benefit of effectively utilizing unlabeled data to enable the deep model to adapt to the target domain, i.e., the new users. In this framework, the model trained in the last iteration or the source domain is first utilized to generate pseudo labels of the target-domain samples and construct a self-training set based on the confidence score. Second, we propose to use the spatio-temporal relationships among the samples in the non-self-training set to augment the core set selected by active learning. Finally, we combine the self-training set and the augmented core set to fine-tune the model. We demonstrate our method by comparing it with state-of-the-art methods on two IMU-based datasets and an EMG-based dataset. Our method presents similar HAR accuracies with the upper bound, i.e. fully supervised fine-tuning with less than 1\% labeled data of the target dataset and significantly improves data efficiency and time cost. Our work highlights the potential of implementing user-independent HAR methods into smart healthcare systems and BSN.

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