Emergent Mind

POAR: Towards Open Vocabulary Pedestrian Attribute Recognition

Published Mar 26, 2023 in cs.CV


Pedestrian attribute recognition (PAR) aims to predict the attributes of a target pedestrian in a surveillance system. Existing methods address the PAR problem by training a multi-label classifier with predefined attribute classes. However, it is impossible to exhaust all pedestrian attributes in the real world. To tackle this problem, we develop a novel pedestrian open-attribute recognition (POAR) framework. Our key idea is to formulate the POAR problem as an image-text search problem. We design a Transformer-based image encoder with a masking strategy. A set of attribute tokens are introduced to focus on specific pedestrian parts (e.g., head, upper body, lower body, feet, etc.) and encode corresponding attributes into visual embeddings. Each attribute category is described as a natural language sentence and encoded by the text encoder. Then, we compute the similarity between the visual and text embeddings of attributes to find the best attribute descriptions for the input images. Different from existing methods that learn a specific classifier for each attribute category, we model the pedestrian at a part-level and explore the searching method to handle the unseen attributes. Finally, a many-to-many contrastive (MTMC) loss with masked tokens is proposed to train the network since a pedestrian image can comprise multiple attributes. Extensive experiments have been conducted on benchmark PAR datasets with an open-attribute setting. The results verified the effectiveness of the proposed POAR method, which can form a strong baseline for the POAR task. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/IvyYZ/POAR}.

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