Emergent Mind


In this paper we carefully combine Fredman's trick [SICOMP'76] and Matou\v{s}ek's approach for dominance product [IPL'91] to obtain powerful results in fine-grained complexity: - Under the hypothesis that APSP for undirected graphs with edge weights in ${1, 2, \ldots, n}$ requires $n{3-o(1)}$ time (when $\omega=2$), we show a variety of conditional lower bounds, including an $n{7/3-o(1)}$ lower bound for unweighted directed APSP and an $n{2.2-o(1)}$ lower bound for computing the Minimum Witness Product between two $n \times n$ Boolean matrices, even if $\omega=2$, improving upon their trivial $n2$ lower bounds. Our techniques can also be used to reduce the unweighted directed APSP problem to other problems. In particular, we show that (when $\omega = 2$), if unweighted directed APSP requires $n{2.5-o(1)}$ time, then Minimum Witness Product requires $n{7/3-o(1)}$ time. - We show that, surprisingly, many central problems in fine-grained complexity are equivalent to their natural counting versions. In particular, we show that Min-Plus Product and Exact Triangle are subcubically equivalent to their counting versions, and 3SUM is subquadratically equivalent to its counting version. - We obtain new algorithms using new variants of the Balog-Szemer\'edi-Gowers theorem from additive combinatorics. For example, we get an $O(n{3.83})$ time deterministic algorithm for exactly counting the number of shortest paths in an arbitrary weighted graph, improving the textbook $\widetilde{O}(n{4})$ time algorithm. We also get faster algorithms for 3SUM in preprocessed universes, and deterministic algorithms for 3SUM on monotone sets in ${1, 2, \ldots, n}d$.

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