Emergent Mind


The extraction of structured clinical information from free-text radiology reports in the form of radiology graphs has been demonstrated to be a valuable approach for evaluating the clinical correctness of report-generation methods. However, the direct generation of radiology graphs from chest X-ray (CXR) images has not been attempted. To address this gap, we propose a novel approach called Prior-RadGraphFormer that utilizes a transformer model with prior knowledge in the form of a probabilistic knowledge graph (PKG) to generate radiology graphs directly from CXR images. The PKG models the statistical relationship between radiology entities, including anatomical structures and medical observations. This additional contextual information enhances the accuracy of entity and relation extraction. The generated radiology graphs can be applied to various downstream tasks, such as free-text or structured reports generation and multi-label classification of pathologies. Our approach represents a promising method for generating radiology graphs directly from CXR images, and has significant potential for improving medical image analysis and clinical decision-making.

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