Emergent Mind


Real-world manipulation problems in heavy clutter require robots to reason about potential contacts with objects in the environment. We focus on pick-and-place style tasks to retrieve a target object from a shelf where some `movable' objects must be rearranged in order to solve the task. In particular, our motivation is to allow the robot to reason over and consider non-prehensile rearrangement actions that lead to complex robot-object and object-object interactions where multiple objects might be moved by the robot simultaneously, and objects might tilt, lean on each other, or topple. To support this, we query a physics-based simulator to forward simulate these interaction dynamics which makes action evaluation during planning computationally very expensive. To make the planner tractable, we establish a connection between the domain of Manipulation Among Movable Objects and Multi-Agent Pathfinding that lets us decompose the problem into two phases our M4M algorithm iterates over. First we solve a multi-agent planning problem that reasons about the configurations of movable objects but does not forward simulate a physics model. Next, an arm motion planning problem is solved that uses a physics-based simulator but does not search over possible configurations of movable objects. We run simulated and real-world experiments with the PR2 robot and compare against relevant baseline algorithms. Our results highlight that M4M generates complex 3D interactions, and solves at least twice as many problems as the baselines with competitive performance.

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