Emergent Mind


Planning for multi-robot teams in complex environments is a challenging problem, especially when these teams must coordinate to accomplish a common objective. In general, optimal solutions to these planning problems are computationally intractable, since the decision space grows exponentially with the number of robots. In this paper, we present a novel approach for multi-robot planning on topological graphs using mixed-integer programming. Central to our approach is the notion of a dynamic topological graph, where edge weights vary dynamically based on the locations of the robots in the graph. We construct this graph using the critical features of the planning problem and the relationships between robots; we then leverage mixed-integer programming to minimize a shared cost that depends on the paths of all robots through the graph. To improve computational tractability, we formulated our optimization problem with a fully convex relaxation and designed our decision space around eliminating the exponential dependence on the number of robots. We test our approach on a multi-robot reconnaissance scenario, where robots must coordinate to minimize detectability and maximize safety while gathering information. We demonstrate that our approach is able to scale to a series of representative scenarios and is capable of computing optimal coordinated strategic behaviors for autonomous multi-robot teams in seconds.

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