Emergent Mind

LEAPS: End-to-End One-Step Person Search With Learnable Proposals

Published Mar 21, 2023 in cs.CV


We propose an end-to-end one-step person search approach with learnable proposals, named LEAPS. Given a set of sparse and learnable proposals, LEAPS employs a dynamic person search head to directly perform person detection and corresponding re-id feature generation without non-maximum suppression post-processing. The dynamic person search head comprises a detection head and a novel flexible re-id head. Our flexible re-id head first employs a dynamic region-of-interest (RoI) operation to extract discriminative RoI features of the proposals. Then, it generates re-id features using a plain and a hierarchical interaction re-id module. To better guide discriminative re-id feature learning, we introduce a diverse re-id sample matching strategy, instead of bipartite matching in detection head. Comprehensive experiments reveal the benefit of the proposed LEAPS, achieving a favorable performance on two public person search benchmarks: CUHK-SYSU and PRW. When using the same ResNet50 backbone, our LEAPS obtains a mAP score of 55.0%, outperforming the best reported results in literature by 1.7%, while achieving around a two-fold speedup on the challenging PRW dataset. Our source code and models will be released.

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