Emergent Mind

On interval edge-colorings of planar graphs

Published Mar 20, 2023 in cs.DM and math.CO


An edge-coloring of a graph $G$ with colors $1,\ldots,t$ is called an \emph{interval $t$-coloring} if all colors are used and the colors of edges incident to each vertex of $G$ are distinct and form an interval of integers. In 1990, Kamalian proved that if a graph $G$ with at least one edge has an interval $t$-coloring, then $t\leq 2|V(G)|-3$. In 2002, Axenovich improved this upper bound for planar graphs: if a planar graph $G$ admits an interval $t$-coloring, then $t\leq \frac{11}{6}|V(G)|$. In the same paper Axenovich suggested a conjecture that if a planar graph $G$ has an interval $t$-coloring, then $t\leq \frac{3}{2}|V(G)|$. In this paper we confirm the conjecture by showing that if a planar graph $G$ admits an interval $t$-coloring, then $t\leq \frac{3|V(G)|-4}{2}$. We also prove that if an outerplanar graph $G$ has an interval $t$-coloring, then $t\leq |V(G)|-1$. Moreover, all these upper bounds are sharp.

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