Emergent Mind

Intersecting diametral balls induced by a geometric graph II

Published Mar 19, 2023 in math.CO , cs.CG , and math.MG


For a graph whose vertices are points in $\mathbb Rd$, consider the closed balls with diameters induced by its edges. The graph is called a Tverberg graph if these closed balls intersect. A max-sum tree of a finite point set $X \subset \mathbb Rd$ is a tree with vertex set $X$ that maximizes the sum of Euclidean distances of its edges among all trees with vertex set $X$. Similarly, a max-sum matching of an even set $X \subset \mathbb Rd$ is a perfect matching of $X$ maximizing the sum of Euclidean distances between the matched points among all perfect matchings of $X$. We prove that a max-sum tree of any finite point set in $\mathbb Rd$ is a Tverberg graph, which generalizes a recent result of Abu-Affash et al., who established this claim in the plane. Additionally, we provide a new proof of a theorem by Bereg et al., which states that a max-sum matching of any even point set in the plane is a Tverberg graph. Moreover, we proved a slightly stronger version of this theorem.

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