Emergent Mind


Multiple photonic degrees of freedom can be explored to generate high-dimensional quantum states; commonly referred to as `qudits'. Qudits offer several advantages for quantum communications, including higher information capacity, noise resilience and data throughput, and lower information loss over different propagation mediums (free space, optical fibre, underwater) as compared to conventional qubits based communication system. However, qudits have been little exploited in literature, owing to their difficulty in transmission and detection. In this paper, for the first time, we develop and formulate the theoretical framework for transmission of classical information through entanglement distribution of qudits over two quantum channels in superposition of alternative causal order. For the first time we i) engineer quantum switch operation for 2-qudit systems and ii) formulate theoretical system model for entanglement distribution of qudits via quantum switch. Results show that entanglement distribution of a qudit provides a considerable gain in fidelity even with increase in noise.

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