Emergent Mind

CLIP4MC: An RL-Friendly Vision-Language Model for Minecraft

Published Mar 19, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.CV


One of the essential missions in the AI research community is to build an autonomous embodied agent that can attain high-level performance across a wide spectrum of tasks. However, acquiring reward/penalty in all open-ended tasks is unrealistic, making the Reinforcement Learning (RL) training procedure impossible. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-modal contrastive learning framework architecture, CLIP4MC, aiming to learn an RL-friendly vision-language model that serves as a reward function for open-ended tasks. Therefore, no further task-specific reward design is needed. Intuitively, it is more reasonable for the model to address the similarity between the video snippet and the language prompt at both the action and entity levels. To this end, a motion encoder is proposed to capture the motion embeddings across different intervals. The correlation scores are then used to construct the auxiliary reward signal for RL agents. Moreover, we construct a neat YouTube dataset based on the large-scale YouTube database provided by MineDojo. Specifically, two rounds of filtering operations guarantee that the dataset covers enough essential information and that the video-text pair is highly correlated. Empirically, we show that the proposed method achieves better performance on RL tasks compared with baselines.

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