Emergent Mind


The sub-packetization $\ell$ and the field size $q$ are of paramount importance in the MSR array code constructions. For optimal-access MSR codes, Balaji et al. proved that $\ell\geq s{\left\lceil n/s \right\rceil}$, where $s = d-k+1$. Rawat et al. showed that this lower bound is attainable for all admissible values of $d$ when the field size is exponential in $n$. After that, tremendous efforts have been devoted to reducing the field size. However, till now, reduction to linear field size is only available for $d\in{k+1,k+2,k+3}$ and $d=n-1$. In this paper, we construct the first class of explicit optimal-access MSR codes with the smallest sub-packetization $\ell = s{\left\lceil n/s \right\rceil}$ for all $d$ between $k+1$ and $n-1$, resolving an open problem in the survey (Ramkumar et al., Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory: Vol. 19: No. 4). We further propose another class of explicit MSR code constructions (not optimal-access) with even smaller sub-packetization $s{\left\lceil n/(s+1)\right\rceil }$ for all admissible values of $d$, making significant progress on another open problem in the survey. Previously, MSR codes with $\ell=s{\left\lceil n/(s+1)\right\rceil }$ and $q=O(n)$ were only known for $d=k+1$ and $d=n-1$. The key insight that enables a linear field size in our construction is to reduce $\binom{n}{r}$ global constraints of non-vanishing determinants to $O_s(n)$ local ones, which is achieved by carefully designing the parity check matrices.

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