Emergent Mind


Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a critical technology that enables autonomous robots to be aware of their surrounding environment. With the development of deep learning, SLAM systems can achieve a higher level of perception of the environment, including the semantic and text levels. However, current works are limited in their ability to achieve a natural-language level of perception of the world. To address this limitation, we propose LP-SLAM, the first language-perceptive SLAM system that leverages LLMs. LP-SLAM has two major features: (a) it can detect text in the scene and determine whether it represents a landmark to be stored during the tracking and mapping phase, and (b) it can understand natural language input from humans and provide guidance based on the generated map. We illustrated three usages of the LLM in the system including text cluster, landmark judgment, and natural language navigation. Our proposed system represents an advancement in the field of LLMs based SLAM and opens up new possibilities for autonomous robots to interact with their environment in a more natural and intuitive way.


  • LP-SLAM integrates LLMs like ChatGPT into traditional SLAM systems to achieve natural-language-level perception of environments.

  • The system uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and human cognition-inspired techniques to enhance text detection, clustering, and landmark identification for navigation purposes.

  • Experimental results in a simulated mall environment show LP-SLAM's effectiveness in providing robust navigation guidance based on natural language queries.

LP-SLAM: Language-Perceptive RGB-D SLAM System

The paper "LP-SLAM: Language-Perceptive RGB-D SLAM System" presents a novel Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) method that incorporates the capabilities of LLMs, specifically ChatGPT, to achieve a natural-language-level perception of environments. This work is pioneering in integrating language comprehension into SLAM, advancing the field from semantic understanding to a more intuitive, human-like level of interaction.

Key Contributions

The paper outlines several significant contributions:

  1. Language Perception: LP-SLAM introduces the capability of language perception in SLAM systems, enabling three major functionalities: single text judgment, text clustering, and natural-language-driven navigation guidance. By leveraging ChatGPT, the system can interpret and classify texts within the environment, determining their relevance as landmarks.
  2. Text Integration in SLAM: The system integrates Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for text detection and uses ChatGPT to process these texts within the SLAM framework. This integration allows LP-SLAM to understand and respond to natural language inputs, effectively bridging the gap between raw text data and semantic understanding necessary for navigation.
  3. Robustness against Mis-detections and Mis-recognitions: Techniques inspired by human cognition, such as similarity classification and a long-short-term memory strategy, are introduced to handle errors in text detection and recognition. These methods improve the robustness of LP-SLAM, ensuring reliable performance in dynamic environments.
  4. Practical Implementation and Validation: Experimental results in a simulated mall environment show that LP-SLAM can successfully enhance the interaction capabilities of autonomous robots. The system can recognize and utilize key landmarks, such as shop names, to provide navigational guidance based on user queries in natural language.

Detailed Overview

Visual SLAM and Extension with LLMs

Traditional SLAM systems primarily utilize geometric information from sensors like cameras to construct environment maps. With the advent of semantic SLAM, deep learning techniques have been employed to incorporate semantic information, enhancing the system's perception capabilities. However, LP-SLAM goes a step further by incorporating natural language understanding using LLMs.

The system's framework involves three main threads of processing:

  1. Runtime Text Mapping: This thread operates concurrently with the SLAM tracking thread, using OCR to detect and recognize text in the environment. Detected texts undergo similarity classification to cluster multiple erroneous recognitions of the same text.
  2. Text Distilling: This thread filters out non-landmark texts and performs position clustering to generate stable landmark positions.
  3. Navigation Guidance: Based on the established map, this thread uses ChatGPT to interpret user queries in natural language and provide navigational guidance.

Scene Text Recognition

The detection and recognition of scene text are crucial for LP-SLAM's functionality. The system uses DBNet for efficient text detection and CRNN for recognizing text sequences. This combination addresses the challenges posed by irregular text shapes and diverse scripts, making the recognition robust and adaptable.

Human Cognition-Inspired Techniques

To mitigate the drawbacks of OCR errors, the paper introduces:

  • Similarity Classification: Utilizing the Levenshtein Distance algorithm, this module clusters similar texts, reducing the likelihood of mis-recognized texts affecting the system's decisions.
  • Long-Short-Term Memory: This strategy differentiates between high-frequency accurate data and low-frequency erroneous data, inspired by the human memory processing model. It helps in retaining relevant information and filtering out noise.

Text Clustering and Landmark Judgment

By leveraging ChatGPT's language comprehension, LP-SLAM can cluster similar texts and distill meaningful landmarks from them. Pre-training ChatGPT enables it to accurately select the correct variant from a set of similar texts, thus addressing the text clustering problem effectively.

For landmark judgment, ChatGPT processes natural language queries to classify identified texts, such as shop names or warning signs. This capability allows the system to discern relevant landmarks for navigational purposes, enhancing its utility in complex, real-world environments.

Experimental Validation

The experimental setup in a mock mall environment demonstrates LP-SLAM's effectiveness. Key results include:

  • Accurate text recognition and classification.
  • Robust handling of OCR errors and mis-detections.
  • Successful navigation guidance based on natural language queries.

Implications and Future Directions

The integration of LLMs into SLAM systems represents a significant step towards more intuitive and human-like robotic interactions. Practically, LP-SLAM can be applied in various autonomous systems, such as service robots in shopping malls or assisting visually impaired individuals.

Future research could explore optimizing the interaction between language information and SLAM's geometric data to enhance accuracy and efficiency further. Additionally, adapting LP-SLAM to handle even more complex languages and diverse environmental settings would extend its applicability.


LP-SLAM introduces a novel approach to SLAM by integrating natural language-level perception through the use of LLMs. This system transcends traditional semantic SLAM capabilities, enabling more natural and intuitive robot-environment interactions. The innovative techniques and robust validation presented in the paper suggest promising avenues for future research and practical applications in autonomous robotics.

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