Emergent Mind

A Short Survey of Viewing Large Language Models in Legal Aspect

Published Mar 16, 2023 in cs.CL


LLMs have transformed many fields, including natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforcement learning. These models have also made a significant impact in the field of law, where they are being increasingly utilized to automate various legal tasks, such as legal judgement prediction, legal document analysis, and legal document writing. However, the integration of LLMs into the legal field has also raised several legal problems, including privacy concerns, bias, and explainability. In this survey, we explore the integration of LLMs into the field of law. We discuss the various applications of LLMs in legal tasks, examine the legal challenges that arise from their use, and explore the data resources that can be used to specialize LLMs in the legal domain. Finally, we discuss several promising directions and conclude this paper. By doing so, we hope to provide an overview of the current state of LLMs in law and highlight the potential benefits and challenges of their integration.


  • The survey evaluates the use of LLMs in the legal field, covering applications, challenges, and specialized datasets.

  • LLMs are applied in tasks like legal judgment prediction and document drafting, showing promise in legal reasoning with techniques like Legal Prompt Engineering and Chain-of-Thought prompting.

  • Concerns related to the ethical use of LLMs, intellectual property, privacy, and biases are examined, indicating the need for collaborative legal frameworks.

  • Specialized datasets such as CAIL2018 and CaseHOLD are crucial in refining LLMs' understanding of legal language and concepts.

  • The paper calls for ongoing research to address challenges and develop standards for responsible and ethical deployment of LLMs in legal settings.

Introduction to the Survey

LLMs have advanced various sectors, including law. This survey conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the integration of LLMs within legal environments, discussing applications, challenges, and data resources specific to the legal domain. The paper distinctively contributes to the scholarly discourse by providing an extensive overview of LLM applications in legal tasks—ranging from legal judgment prediction to document drafting—whilst also identifying and scrutinizing the pertinent legal concerns such as privacy, bias, and the need for transparency in AI-driven legal processes.

Legal Application of LLMs

The utilization of LLMs has shown substantial potential in legal judgment prediction and statutory reasoning. For example, a study examined the Legal Prompt Engineering approach for LLMs, demonstrating their effectiveness on multilingual datasets. Dynamic few-shot prompting techniques have allowed models like GPT-3 to perform exceptionally well in tasks requiring sophisticated legal reasoning. Studies have also highlighted the use of Chain-of-Thought prompting in enhancing LLM performance in logical reasoning tasks. However, the pervasive concern remains regarding the ethical use of LLMs in legal education and practice. The paper investigates how LLMs can assist law educators, provide quasi-expert legal advice, and potentially replace certain legal professional functions, particularly in research and drafting.

Challenges in Legal LLMs

Despite the transformative potential of LLMs, they raise significant legal conundrums. Intellectual property rights surrounding machine-generated content, protection of personal data during model training, and the resistance against inheriting biases from training datasets are major issues that require paramount attention. Thorough analyses of these challenges suggest a need for collaborative strategies to develop robust legal frameworks geared towards harnessing the full benefits of LLMs while safeguarding against their harmful implications.

Specialized Legal Datasets for LLMs

Addressing the linguistic and knowledge-specific obstacles encountered by LLMs in legal contexts necessitates tailored datasets. Datasets like CAIL2018 and CaseHOLD are invaluable for fine-tuning LLM capabilities in legal reasoning and case retrieval. The benefits of such datasets are underscored, highlighting their role in allowing LLMs to more accurately parse and understand legal language and concepts, which is essential for the effective application of AI in the legal arena.

Future Research and Directions

Concluding the survey, the potential of LLMs to revolutionize the legal industry is reaffirmed, with a clarion call for continued research to navigate and overcome associated legal challenges. Recommendations include developing strategies to counteract biases and increase transparency in LLM outputs. Future investigations into specialized datasets and AI tools will further refine LLM effectiveness in legal tasks. Additionally, the establishment of operational standards for the deployment of LLMs in the field of law is sought to ensure their responsible and ethical use, driving a future where LLMs not only excel in functionality but also align with societal norms and legal ethics.


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