Emergent Mind


For the purpose of inspecting power plants, autonomous robots can be built using reinforcement learning techniques. The method replicates the environment and employs a simple reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm. This strategy might be applied in several sectors, including the electricity generation sector. A pre-trained model with perception, planning, and action is suggested by the research. To address optimization problems, such as the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) navigation problem, Deep Q-network (DQN), a reinforcement learning-based framework that Deepmind launched in 2015, incorporates both deep learning and Q-learning. To overcome problems with current procedures, the research proposes a power plant inspection system incorporating UAV autonomous navigation and DQN reinforcement learning. These training processes set reward functions with reference to states and consider both internal and external effect factors, which distinguishes them from other reinforcement learning training techniques now in use. The key components of the reinforcement learning segment of the technique, for instance, introduce states such as the simulation of a wind field, the battery charge level of an unmanned aerial vehicle, the height the UAV reached, etc. The trained model makes it more likely that the inspection strategy will be applied in practice by enabling the UAV to move around on its own in difficult environments. The average score of the model converges to 9,000. The trained model allowed the UAV to make the fewest number of rotations necessary to go to the target point.

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