Emergent Mind


Self-supervised pre-training and transformer-based networks have significantly improved the performance of object detection. However, most of the current self-supervised object detection methods are built on convolutional-based architectures. We believe that the transformers' sequence characteristics should be considered when designing a transformer-based self-supervised method for the object detection task. To this end, we propose SeqCo-DETR, a novel Sequence Consistency-based self-supervised method for object DEtection with TRansformers. SeqCo-DETR defines a simple but effective pretext by minimizes the discrepancy of the output sequences of transformers with different image views as input and leverages bipartite matching to find the most relevant sequence pairs to improve the sequence-level self-supervised representation learning performance. Furthermore, we provide a mask-based augmentation strategy incorporated with the sequence consistency strategy to extract more representative contextual information about the object for the object detection task. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on MS COCO (45.8 AP) and PASCAL VOC (64.1 AP), demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.

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