Emergent Mind


In this study, we explore an innovative approach to enhance cooperative driving in vehicle platooning systems through the use of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication technologies. As Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) integrate into increasingly dense traffic networks, the challenge of efficiently managing communication resources becomes crucial. Our focus is on optimizing communication strategies to support the growing network of interconnected vehicles without compromising traffic safety and efficiency. We introduce a novel control-aware communication framework designed to reduce communication overhead while maintaining essential performance standards in vehicle platoons. This method pivots from traditional periodic communication to more adaptable aperiodic or event-triggered schemes. Additionally, we integrate Model-Based Communication (MBC) to enhance vehicle perception under suboptimal communication conditions. By merging control-aware communication with MBC, our approach effectively controls vehicle platoons, striking a balance between communication resource conservation and control performance. The results show a marked decrease in communication frequency by 47\%, with minimal impact on control accuracy, such as less than 1\% variation in speed. Extensive simulations validate the effectiveness of our combined approach in managing communication and control in vehicle platoons, offering a promising solution for future cooperative driving systems.

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