Emergent Mind

Vision-Language Models as Success Detectors

Published Mar 13, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Detecting successful behaviour is crucial for training intelligent agents. As such, generalisable reward models are a prerequisite for agents that can learn to generalise their behaviour. In this work we focus on developing robust success detectors that leverage large, pretrained vision-language models (Flamingo, Alayrac et al. (2022)) and human reward annotations. Concretely, we treat success detection as a visual question answering (VQA) problem, denoted SuccessVQA. We study success detection across three vastly different domains: (i) interactive language-conditioned agents in a simulated household, (ii) real world robotic manipulation, and (iii) "in-the-wild" human egocentric videos. We investigate the generalisation properties of a Flamingo-based success detection model across unseen language and visual changes in the first two domains, and find that the proposed method is able to outperform bespoke reward models in out-of-distribution test scenarios with either variation. In the last domain of "in-the-wild" human videos, we show that success detection on unseen real videos presents an even more challenging generalisation task warranting future work. We hope our initial results encourage further work in real world success detection and reward modelling.

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