Emergent Mind

SEM-CS: Semantic CLIPStyler for Text-Based Image Style Transfer

Published Mar 11, 2023 in cs.CV


CLIPStyler demonstrated image style transfer with realistic textures using only the style text description (instead of requiring a reference style image). However, the ground semantics of objects in style transfer output is lost due to style spillover on salient and background objects (content mismatch) or over-stylization. To solve this, we propose Semantic CLIPStyler (Sem-CS) that performs semantic style transfer. Sem-CS first segments the content image into salient and non-salient objects and then transfers artistic style based on a given style text description. The semantic style transfer is achieved using global foreground loss (for salient objects) and global background loss (for non-salient objects). Our empirical results, including DISTS, NIMA and user study scores, show that our proposed framework yields superior qualitative and quantitative performance.

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