Emergent Mind


Self-supervised models allow (pre-)training on unlabeled data and therefore have the potential to overcome the need for large annotated cohorts. One leading self-supervised model is the masked autoencoder (MAE) which was developed on natural imaging data. The MAE is masking out a high fraction of visual transformer (ViT) input patches, to then recover the uncorrupted images as a pretraining task. In this work, we extend MAE to perform anomaly detection on breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This new model, coined masked autoencoder for medical imaging (MAEMI) is trained on two non-contrast enhanced MRI sequences, aiming at lesion detection without the need for intravenous injection of contrast media and temporal image acquisition. During training, only non-cancerous images are presented to the model, with the purpose of localizing anomalous tumor regions during test time. We use a public dataset for model development. Performance of the architecture is evaluated in reference to subtraction images created from dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)-MRI.

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