Emergent Mind


Machine learning models automatically learn discriminative features from the data, and are therefore susceptible to learn strongly-correlated biases, such as using protected attributes like gender and race. Most existing bias mitigation approaches aim to explicitly reduce the model's focus on these protected features. In this work, we propose to mitigate bias by explicitly guiding the model's focus towards task-relevant features using domain knowledge, and we hypothesize that this can indirectly reduce the dependence of the model on spurious correlations it learns from the data. We explore bias mitigation in facial expression recognition systems using facial Action Units (AUs) as the task-relevant feature. To this end, we introduce Feature-based Positive Matching Contrastive Loss which learns the distances between the positives of a sample based on the similarity between their corresponding AU embeddings. We compare our approach with representative baselines and show that incorporating task-relevant features via our method can improve model fairness at minimal cost to classification performance.

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