Emergent Mind

Differential Privacy Meets Neural Network Pruning

Published Mar 8, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.CR


A major challenge in applying differential privacy to training deep neural network models is scalability.The widely-used training algorithm, differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD), struggles with training moderately-sized neural network models for a value of epsilon corresponding to a high level of privacy protection. In this paper, we explore the idea of dimensionality reduction inspired by neural network pruning to improve the scalability of DP-SGD. We study the interplay between neural network pruning and differential privacy, through the two modes of parameter updates. We call the first mode, parameter freezing, where we pre-prune the network and only update the remaining parameters using DP-SGD. We call the second mode, parameter selection, where we select which parameters to update at each step of training and update only those selected using DP-SGD. In these modes, we use public data for freezing or selecting parameters to avoid privacy loss incurring in these steps. Naturally, the closeness between the private and public data plays an important role in the success of this paradigm. Our experimental results demonstrate how decreasing the parameter space improves differentially private training. Moreover, by studying two popular forms of pruning which do not rely on gradients and do not incur an additional privacy loss, we show that random selection performs on par with magnitude-based selection when it comes to DP-SGD training.

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