Emergent Mind

Scene Matters: Model-based Deep Video Compression

Published Mar 8, 2023 in cs.CV and eess.IV


Video compression has always been a popular research area, where many traditional and deep video compression methods have been proposed. These methods typically rely on signal prediction theory to enhance compression performance by designing high efficient intra and inter prediction strategies and compressing video frames one by one. In this paper, we propose a novel model-based video compression (MVC) framework that regards scenes as the fundamental units for video sequences. Our proposed MVC directly models the intensity variation of the entire video sequence in one scene, seeking non-redundant representations instead of reducing redundancy through spatio-temporal predictions. To achieve this, we employ implicit neural representation as our basic modeling architecture. To improve the efficiency of video modeling, we first propose context-related spatial positional embedding and frequency domain supervision in spatial context enhancement. For temporal correlation capturing, we design the scene flow constrain mechanism and temporal contrastive loss. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves up to a 20\% bitrate reduction compared to the latest video coding standard H.266 and is more efficient in decoding than existing video coding strategies.

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