Emergent Mind


Query-focused meeting summarization (QFMS) aims to generate summaries from meeting transcripts in response to a given query. Previous works typically concatenate the query with meeting transcripts and implicitly model the query relevance only at the token level with attention mechanism. However, due to the dilution of key query-relevant information caused by long meeting transcripts, the original transformer-based model is insufficient to highlight the key parts related to the query. In this paper, we propose a query-aware framework with joint modeling token and utterance based on Query-Utterance Attention. It calculates the utterance-level relevance to the query with a dense retrieval module. Then both token-level query relevance and utterance-level query relevance are combined and incorporated into the generation process with attention mechanism explicitly. We show that the query relevance of different granularities contributes to generating a summary more related to the query. Experimental results on the QMSum dataset show that the proposed model achieves new state-of-the-art performance.

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