Emergent Mind

How Do Transformers Learn Topic Structure: Towards a Mechanistic Understanding

Published Mar 7, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.CL , and stat.ML


While the successes of transformers across many domains are indisputable, accurate understanding of the learning mechanics is still largely lacking. Their capabilities have been probed on benchmarks which include a variety of structured and reasoning tasks -- but mathematical understanding is lagging substantially behind. Recent lines of work have begun studying representational aspects of this question: that is, the size/depth/complexity of attention-based networks to perform certain tasks. However, there is no guarantee the learning dynamics will converge to the constructions proposed. In our paper, we provide fine-grained mechanistic understanding of how transformers learn "semantic structure", understood as capturing co-occurrence structure of words. Precisely, we show, through a combination of mathematical analysis and experiments on Wikipedia data and synthetic data modeled by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), that the embedding layer and the self-attention layer encode the topical structure. In the former case, this manifests as higher average inner product of embeddings between same-topic words. In the latter, it manifests as higher average pairwise attention between same-topic words. The mathematical results involve several assumptions to make the analysis tractable, which we verify on data, and might be of independent interest as well.

Cosine similarity in BERT model embeddings depicts topical structures among words like frog, toad, lizard.


  • The study investigates how transformers, neural network models used for natural language processing, learn and encode topics.

  • It uses synthetic data from Latent Dirichlet Allocation models and real Wikipedia data to explore semantic structure learning.

  • Token embeddings and self-attention mechanisms are the primary means through which transformers encode information.

  • Empirical experiments show transformers can compensate for undertrained components, highlighting their flexibility.

  • Findings suggest improvements for architecture design and training strategies in NLP applications.

Understanding How Transformers Encode Topics

Transformers, a type of neural network architecture, have become ubiquitous in NLP. Their diverse applications range from language understanding to generating human-like text. However, despite their practical success, the understanding of how transformers encode semantic structures, such as topics in language, has been limited.

The Research Study

A study explore the intricacies of how transformers learn the semantic structure, fundamentally the co-occurrence patterns of words within topics. Leveraging both synthetic data generated via Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) models, and real Wikipedia data, the study investigates the role different components of the transformer architecture play in learning topics.

Encoding Topics in Transformers

Transformers have two primary avenues for encoding information:

  1. Token embeddings: Words that share the same topic have more similar token embeddings, while words from different topics differ. Mathematically, the optimal state for the embeddings, under certain simplifying conditions for analysis, results in higher inner products between embeddings of words within the same topic.
  2. Self-attention mechanism: Topics are represented through learned attention patterns. This study confirmed that when token embeddings are fixed, the attention mechanism adapts to focus more within topics. Specifically, the learned attention weights exhibit patterns where more attention is allocated to words of the same topic.

Empirical Findings

Empirical experiments underscore that transformers can compensate for partially trained components—a testament to their flexibility. For instance, if the token embeddings are not trained, the attention mechanism bears the burden of capturing topic structure and vice versa. These observations hold even with variations in optimizers and loss functions.

Practical Implications

Understanding these learning dynamics of transformers opens doors for better architecture design and training strategies, particularly in applications like document classification, summarization or topic extraction. It also aids in addressing issues like interpretability and explainability of AI, enhancing trust in NLP applications.

Concluding Insights

This research provides a nuanced understanding of the seemingly opaque learning process in transformers. It demystifies the critical aspects of how semantic topics are encoded by embeddings and attention weights, laying the groundwork for more informed usage and ongoing refinement of transformer models for NLP tasks.


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