Emergent Mind

Revisiting the Noise Model of Stochastic Gradient Descent

Published Mar 5, 2023 in cs.LG


The stochastic gradient noise (SGN) is a significant factor in the success of stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Following the central limit theorem, SGN was initially modeled as Gaussian, and lately, it has been suggested that stochastic gradient noise is better characterized using $S\alpha S$ L\'evy distribution. This claim was allegedly refuted and rebounded to the previously suggested Gaussian noise model. This paper presents solid, detailed empirical evidence that SGN is heavy-tailed and better depicted by the $S\alpha S$ distribution. Furthermore, we argue that different parameters in a deep neural network (DNN) hold distinct SGN characteristics throughout training. To more accurately approximate the dynamics of SGD near a local minimum, we construct a novel framework in $\mathbb{R}N$, based on L\'evy-driven stochastic differential equation (SDE), where one-dimensional L\'evy processes model each parameter in the DNN. Next, we show that SGN jump intensity (frequency and amplitude) depends on the learning rate decay mechanism (LRdecay); furthermore, we demonstrate empirically that the LRdecay effect may stem from the reduction of the SGN and not the decrease in the step size. Based on our analysis, we examine the mean escape time, trapping probability, and more properties of DNNs near local minima. Finally, we prove that the training process will likely exit from the basin in the direction of parameters with heavier tail SGN. We will share our code for reproducibility.

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