Emergent Mind


This paper describes the submission of UZH_CLyp for the SemEval 2023 Task 9 "Multilingual Tweet Intimacy Analysis". We achieved second-best results in all 10 languages according to the official Pearson's correlation regression evaluation measure. Our cross-lingual transfer learning approach explores the benefits of using a Head-First Fine-Tuning method (HeFiT) that first updates only the regression head parameters and then also updates the pre-trained transformer encoder parameters at a reduced learning rate. Additionally, we study the impact of using a small set of automatically generated examples (in our case, from ChatGPT) for low-resource settings where no human-labeled data is available. Our study shows that HeFiT stabilizes training and consistently improves results for pre-trained models that lack domain adaptation to tweets. Our study also shows a noticeable performance increase in cross-lingual learning when synthetic data is used, confirming the usefulness of current text generation systems to improve zero-shot baseline results. Finally, we examine how possible inconsistencies in the annotated data contribute to cross-lingual interference issues.

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