Emergent Mind

Towards Space Efficient Two-Point Shortest Path Queries in a Polygonal Domain

Published Mar 1, 2023 in cs.CG and cs.DS


We devise a data structure that can answer shortest path queries for two query points in a polygonal domain $P$ on $n$ vertices. For any $\varepsilon > 0$, the space complexity of the data structure is $O(n{10+\varepsilon })$ and queries can be answered in $O(\log n)$ time. Alternatively, we can achieve a space complexity of $O(n{9+\varepsilon })$ by relaxing the query time to $O(\log2 n)$. This is the first improvement upon a conference paper by Chiang and Mitchell from 1999. They present a data structure with $O(n{11})$ space complexity and $O(\log n)$ query time. Our main result can be extended to include a space-time trade-off. Specifically, we devise data structures with $O(n{9+\varepsilon}/\hspace{1pt} \ell{4 + O(\varepsilon )})$ space complexity and $O(\ell \log2 n )$ query time, for any integer $1 \leq \ell \leq n$. Furthermore, we present improved data structures with $O(\log n)$ query time for the special case where we restrict one (or both) of the query points to lie on the boundary of $P$. When one of the query points is restricted to lie on the boundary, and the other query point is unrestricted, the space complexity becomes $O(n{6+\varepsilon})$. When both query points are on the boundary, the space complexity is decreased further to $O(n{4+\varepsilon })$, thereby improving an earlier result of Bae and Okamoto.

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