Emergent Mind

Diffusing Graph Attention

Published Mar 1, 2023 in cs.LG


The dominant paradigm for machine learning on graphs uses Message Passing Graph Neural Networks (MP-GNNs), in which node representations are updated by aggregating information in their local neighborhood. Recently, there have been increasingly more attempts to adapt the Transformer architecture to graphs in an effort to solve some known limitations of MP-GNN. A challenging aspect of designing Graph Transformers is integrating the arbitrary graph structure into the architecture. We propose Graph Diffuser (GD) to address this challenge. GD learns to extract structural and positional relationships between distant nodes in the graph, which it then uses to direct the Transformer's attention and node representation. We demonstrate that existing GNNs and Graph Transformers struggle to capture long-range interactions and how Graph Diffuser does so while admitting intuitive visualizations. Experiments on eight benchmarks show Graph Diffuser to be a highly competitive model, outperforming the state-of-the-art in a diverse set of domains.


  • Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) face challenges in capturing long-range interactions within graphs, leading to issues like over-smoothing and over-squashing.

  • The Transformer, known for its global communication capabilities, is being adapted to overcome GNNs' limitations, but integrating graph structures into it remains challenging.

  • Graph Diffuser (GD) is a novel approach that uses virtual edges to guide the Transformer's attention mechanism for improved long-range node interactions.

  • GD outperforms state-of-the-art models across various benchmarks, showcasing its ability to handle tasks that involve long-distance relationships within graphs.

  • GD's principal achievements include constructing a new adjacency matrix for positional encoding and combing multiple propagation steps in an end-to-end fashion.


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have garnered attention for transforming the field of graph representation learning, with impactful applications across various sectors. GNNs leverage local message passing where node representations are updated by aggregated information from immediate neighbors. Despite their success, GNNs confront obstacles such as limited reach within the graph, a phenomenon known as over-smoothing, and the challenge of effectively communicating between distant nodes, a problem called over-squashing. These issues impede the ability of GNNs to capture long-range interactions within the graph.

Parallelly, the Transformer model, which originated from the domain of natural language processing, has seen widespread adoption across a spectrum of fields by virtue of its global communication capabilities courtesy of the attention mechanism. Researchers are increasingly looking to adapt this architecture to address the innate limitations of GNNs. This brings us to the difficulty of incorporating arbitrary graph structures seamlessly into the Transformer architecture.

Graph Diffuser: A Novel Approach

Innovatively, 'Graph Diffuser (GD)' presents a solution. GD learns to identify structural and positional relationships between distant nodes, effectively using this knowledge to guide the attention mechanism of the Transformer model. The design ethos behind GD is to capitalize on the inherent structural information present in the graph to facilitate learning. It steps beyond localised message passing, allowing the model to apprehend interactions at a far range within the graph, which are inaccessible under traditional GNN paradigms.

Visualizing the Operational Mechanism

GD starts by taking a graph's structure and creating "Virtual Edges" that illustrate the propagation of information between nodes across multiple steps. This strategic move takes the attention model out of the local context, bringing previously unconnected distant nodes into direct relevance to each other. Subsequently, these virtual edges inform and steer the attention and node representations within the Transformer layers. The virtual edges are more than just structural indicators; they carry matrices computed from layers of the adjacency matrix, further processed through edge-wise feed-forward networks. This method of information propagation also allows for intuitive visualizations.

Performance and Validation

An empirical evaluation of GD on eight benchmarks reveals its superior performance, beating state-of-the-art models in a diverse array of domains without the need for extensive hyperparameter tuning. The benchmarks include tasks from molecular datasets to program analysis, highlighting the versatile applicability of GD. Moreover, in a controlled experiment using a synthetic problem, GD was able to solve challenges that stumped existing GNN and Graph Transformer models, underpinning its effectiveness in modeling long-range interactions within graphs.

Core Contributions

GD's most profound impacts are two-fold. Firstly, it learns to construct a new adjacency matrix using node and edge features, thereby generating positional or relative encoding. Secondly, it combines information propagation over multiple propagation steps in an end-to-end manner, which is unique among Graph Transformer models. Looking ahead, the integration of Graph Diffuser with existing Transformer compositions and the potential enhancement of virtual edges present exciting avenues for future work in the realm of graph representation learning.


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