Emergent Mind

A Framework for Neurosymbolic Robot Action Planning using Large Language Models

Published Mar 1, 2023 in cs.AI , cs.LG , and cs.RO


Symbolic task planning is a widely used approach to enforce robot autonomy due to its ease of understanding and deployment. However, symbolic task planning is difficult to scale in real-world when frequent re-planning is needed, for example, due to human-robot interactions or unforeseen events. Plan length and planning time can hinder the robot's efficiency and negatively affect the overall human-robot interaction's fluency. We present a framework, Teriyaki, designed to bridge the gap between symbolic task planning and machine learning approaches, by training LLMs, namely GPT-3, into neurosymbolic task planners compatible with the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL). Potential benefits include: (i) better scalability in so far as the planning domain complexity increases, since LLMs' response time linearly scales with the combined length of the input and the output, instead of super-linearly as in the case of symbolic task planners, and (ii) the ability to synthesize a plan action-by-action instead of end-to-end, and to make each action available for execution as soon as it is generated, which in turn enables concurrent planning and execution. In the past year, significant efforts have been devoted by the research community to evaluate the overall cognitive abilities of LLMs, with alternate successes. Instead, with Teriyaki we aim to providing an overall planning performance comparable to traditional planners in specific planning domains, while leveraging LLMs capabilities in other metrics which are used to build a look-ahead predictive planning model. Preliminary results in selected domains show that our method can: (i) solve 95.5% of problems in a test data set of 1000 samples; (ii) produce plans up to 13.5% shorter than a traditional symbolic planner; (iii) reduce average overall waiting times for a plan availability by up to 61.4%.

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