Emergent Mind

Towards Enhanced Controllability of Diffusion Models

Published Feb 28, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.GR


Denoising Diffusion models have shown remarkable capabilities in generating realistic, high-quality and diverse images. However, the extent of controllability during generation is underexplored. Inspired by techniques based on GAN latent space for image manipulation, we train a diffusion model conditioned on two latent codes, a spatial content mask and a flattened style embedding. We rely on the inductive bias of the progressive denoising process of diffusion models to encode pose/layout information in the spatial structure mask and semantic/style information in the style code. We propose two generic sampling techniques for improving controllability. We extend composable diffusion models to allow for some dependence between conditional inputs, to improve the quality of generations while also providing control over the amount of guidance from each latent code and their joint distribution. We also propose timestep dependent weight scheduling for content and style latents to further improve the translations. We observe better controllability compared to existing methods and show that without explicit training objectives, diffusion models can be used for effective image manipulation and image translation.

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