Emergent Mind


Active domain adaptation (DA) aims to maximally boost the model adaptation on a new target domain by actively selecting limited target data to annotate, whereas traditional active learning methods may be less effective since they do not consider the domain shift issue. Despite active DA methods address this by further proposing targetness to measure the representativeness of target domain characteristics, their predictive uncertainty is usually based on the prediction of deterministic models, which can easily be miscalibrated on data with distribution shift. Considering this, we propose a \textit{Dirichlet-based Uncertainty Calibration} (DUC) approach for active DA, which simultaneously achieves the mitigation of miscalibration and the selection of informative target samples. Specifically, we place a Dirichlet prior on the prediction and interpret the prediction as a distribution on the probability simplex, rather than a point estimate like deterministic models. This manner enables us to consider all possible predictions, mitigating the miscalibration of unilateral prediction. Then a two-round selection strategy based on different uncertainty origins is designed to select target samples that are both representative of target domain and conducive to discriminability. Extensive experiments on cross-domain image classification and semantic segmentation validate the superiority of DUC.

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