Emergent Mind

Finding Support Examples for In-Context Learning

Published Feb 27, 2023 in cs.CL


Additionally, the strong dependency among in-context examples makes it an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem and enumerating all permutations is infeasible. Hence we propose LENS, a fiLter-thEN-Search method to tackle this challenge in two stages: First we filter the dataset to obtain informative in-context examples individually. Specifically, we propose a novel metric, InfoScore, to evaluate the example's in-context informativeness based on the language model's feedback, and further propose a progressive filtering process to filter out uninformative examples. Then we propose diversity-guided example search which iteratively refines and evaluates the selected example permutations, to find examples that fully depict the task. The experimental results show that LENS significantly outperforms a wide range of baselines.

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