Emergent Mind

LMSeg: Language-guided Multi-dataset Segmentation

Published Feb 27, 2023 in cs.CV


It's a meaningful and attractive topic to build a general and inclusive segmentation model that can recognize more categories in various scenarios. A straightforward way is to combine the existing fragmented segmentation datasets and train a multi-dataset network. However, there are two major issues with multi-dataset segmentation: (1) the inconsistent taxonomy demands manual reconciliation to construct a unified taxonomy; (2) the inflexible one-hot common taxonomy causes time-consuming model retraining and defective supervision of unlabeled categories. In this paper, we investigate the multi-dataset segmentation and propose a scalable Language-guided Multi-dataset Segmentation framework, dubbed LMSeg, which supports both semantic and panoptic segmentation. Specifically, we introduce a pre-trained text encoder to map the category names to a text embedding space as a unified taxonomy, instead of using inflexible one-hot label. The model dynamically aligns the segment queries with the category embeddings. Instead of relabeling each dataset with the unified taxonomy, a category-guided decoding module is designed to dynamically guide predictions to each datasets taxonomy. Furthermore, we adopt a dataset-aware augmentation strategy that assigns each dataset a specific image augmentation pipeline, which can suit the properties of images from different datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves significant improvements on four semantic and three panoptic segmentation datasets, and the ablation study evaluates the effectiveness of each component.

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