Emergent Mind

Optimal local identifying and local locating-dominating codes

Published Feb 26, 2023 in cs.DM and math.CO


We introduce two new classes of covering codes in graphs for every positive integer $r$. These new codes are called local $r$-identifying and local $r$-locating-dominating codes and they are derived from $r$-identifying and $r$-locating-dominating codes, respectively. We study the sizes of optimal local 1-identifying codes in binary hypercubes. We obtain lower and upper bounds that are asymptotically tight. Together the bounds show that the cost of changing covering codes into local 1-identifying codes is negligible. For some small $n$ optimal constructions are obtained. Moreover, the upper bound is obtained by a linear code construction. Also, we study the densities of optimal local 1-identifying codes and local 1-locating-dominating codes in the infinite square grid, the hexagonal grid, the triangular grid, and the king grid. We prove that seven out of eight of our constructions have optimal densities.

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