Emergent Mind

Supervised Hierarchical Clustering using Graph Neural Networks for Speaker Diarization

Published Feb 24, 2023 in cs.SD , cs.LG , and eess.AS


Conventional methods for speaker diarization involve windowing an audio file into short segments to extract speaker embeddings, followed by an unsupervised clustering of the embeddings. This multi-step approach generates speaker assignments for each segment. In this paper, we propose a novel Supervised HierArchical gRaph Clustering algorithm (SHARC) for speaker diarization where we introduce a hierarchical structure using Graph Neural Network (GNN) to perform supervised clustering. The supervision allows the model to update the representations and directly improve the clustering performance, thus enabling a single-step approach for diarization. In the proposed work, the input segment embeddings are treated as nodes of a graph with the edge weights corresponding to the similarity scores between the nodes. We also propose an approach to jointly update the embedding extractor and the GNN model to perform end-to-end speaker diarization (E2E-SHARC). During inference, the hierarchical clustering is performed using node densities and edge existence probabilities to merge the segments until convergence. In the diarization experiments, we illustrate that the proposed E2E-SHARC approach achieves 53% and 44% relative improvements over the baseline systems on benchmark datasets like AMI and Voxconverse, respectively.

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