Emergent Mind


UX practitioners face novel challenges when designing user interfaces for ML-enabled applications. Interactive ML paradigms, like AutoML and interactive machine teaching, lower the barrier for non-expert end users to create, understand, and use ML models, but their application to UX practice is largely unstudied. We conducted a task-based design study with 27 UX practitioners where we asked them to propose a proof-of-concept design for a new ML-enabled application. During the task, our participants were given opportunities to create, test, and modify ML models as part of their workflows. Through a qualitative analysis of our post-task interview, we found that direct, interactive experimentation with ML allowed UX practitioners to tie ML capabilities and underlying data to user goals, compose affordances to enhance end-user interactions with ML, and identify ML-related ethical risks and challenges. We discuss our findings in the context of previously established human-AI guidelines. We also identify some limitations of interactive ML in UX processes and propose research-informed machine teaching as a supplement to future design tools alongside interactive ML.

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