Emergent Mind

Improved Coresets for Clustering with Capacity and Fairness Constraints

Published Feb 22, 2023 in cs.DS and cs.CG


We study coresets for clustering with capacity and fairness constraints. Our main result is a near-linear time algorithm to construct $\tilde{O}(k2\varepsilon{-2z-2})$-sized $\varepsilon$-coresets for capacitated $(k,z)$-clustering which improves a recent $\tilde{O}(k3\varepsilon{-3z-2})$ bound by [BCAJ+22, HJLW23]. As a corollary, we also save a factor of $k \varepsilon{-z}$ on the coreset size for fair $(k,z)$-clustering compared to them. We fundamentally improve the hierarchical uniform sampling framework of [BCAJ+22] by adaptively selecting sample size on each ring instance, proportional to its clustering cost to an optimal solution. Our analysis relies on a key geometric observation that reduces the number of total effective centers" from [BCAJ+22]'s $\tilde{O}(k^2\varepsilon^{-z})$ to merely $O(k\log \varepsilon^{-1})$ by being able toignore'' all center points that are too far or too close to the ring center.

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