Emergent Mind

pykanto: a python library to accelerate research on wild bird song

Published Feb 20, 2023 in cs.SD , eess.AS , q-bio.PE , and q-bio.QM


Studying the vocalisations of wild animals can be a challenge due to the limitations of traditional computational methods, which often are time-consuming and lack reproducibility. Here, I present pykanto, a new software package that provides a set of tools to build, manage, and explore large sound databases. It can automatically find discrete units in animal vocalisations, perform semi-supervised labelling of individual repertoires with a new interactive web app, and feed data to deep learning models to study things like individual signatures and acoustic similarity between individuals and populations. To demonstrate its capabilities, I put the library to the test on the vocalisations of male great tits in Wytham Woods, near Oxford, UK. The results show that the identities of individual birds can be accurately determined from their songs and that the use of pykanto improves the efficiency and reproducibility of the process.

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