Emergent Mind


Leveraging the kernel trick in both the input and output spaces, surrogate kernel methods are a flexible and theoretically grounded solution to structured output prediction. If they provide state-of-the-art performance on complex data sets of moderate size (e.g., in chemoinformatics), these approaches however fail to scale. We propose to equip surrogate kernel methods with sketching-based approximations, applied to both the input and output feature maps. We prove excess risk bounds on the original structured prediction problem, showing how to attain close-to-optimal rates with a reduced sketch size that depends on the eigendecay of the input/output covariance operators. From a computational perspective, we show that the two approximations have distinct but complementary impacts: sketching the input kernel mostly reduces training time, while sketching the output kernel decreases the inference time. Empirically, our approach is shown to scale, achieving state-of-the-art performance on benchmark data sets where non-sketched methods are intractable.

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