Emergent Mind

Discrete States-Based Trajectory Planning for Nonholonomic Robots

Published Feb 17, 2023 in cs.RO


Due to nonholonomic dynamics, the motion planning of nonholonomic robots is always a difficult problem. This letter presents a Discrete States-based Trajectory Planning(DSTP) algorithm for autonomous nonholonomic robots. The proposed algorithm represents the trajectory as x and y positions, orientation angle, longitude velocity and acceleration, angular velocity, and time intervals. More variables make the expression of optimization and constraints simpler, reduce the error caused by too many approximations, and also handle the gear shifting situation. L-BFGS-B is used to deal with the optimization of many variables and box constraints, thus speeding up the problem solving. Various simulation experiments compared with prior works have validated that our algorithm has an order-of-magnitude efficiency advantage and can generate a smoother trajectory with a high speed and low control effort. Besides, real-world experiments are also conducted to verify the feasibility of our algorithm in real scenes. We will release our codes as ros packages.

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