Emergent Mind

Robust expected improvement for Bayesian optimization

Published Feb 16, 2023 in cs.LG and stat.ME


Bayesian Optimization (BO) links Gaussian Process (GP) surrogates with sequential design toward optimizing expensive-to-evaluate black-box functions. Example design heuristics, or so-called acquisition functions, like expected improvement (EI), balance exploration and exploitation to furnish global solutions under stringent evaluation budgets. However, they fall short when solving for robust optima, meaning a preference for solutions in a wider domain of attraction. Robust solutions are useful when inputs are imprecisely specified, or where a series of solutions is desired. A common mathematical programming technique in such settings involves an adversarial objective, biasing a local solver away from ``sharp'' troughs. Here we propose a surrogate modeling and active learning technique called robust expected improvement (REI) that ports adversarial methodology into the BO/GP framework. After describing the methods, we illustrate and draw comparisons to several competitors on benchmark synthetic exercises and real problems of varying complexity.

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