Emergent Mind

Trust-Region-Free Policy Optimization for Stochastic Policies

Published Feb 15, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) is an iterative method that simultaneously maximizes a surrogate objective and enforces a trust region constraint over consecutive policies in each iteration. The combination of the surrogate objective maximization and the trust region enforcement has been shown to be crucial to guarantee a monotonic policy improvement. However, solving a trust-region-constrained optimization problem can be computationally intensive as it requires many steps of conjugate gradient and a large number of on-policy samples. In this paper, we show that the trust region constraint over policies can be safely substituted by a trust-region-free constraint without compromising the underlying monotonic improvement guarantee. The key idea is to generalize the surrogate objective used in TRPO in a way that a monotonic improvement guarantee still emerges as a result of constraining the maximum advantage-weighted ratio between policies. This new constraint outlines a conservative mechanism for iterative policy optimization and sheds light on practical ways to optimize the generalized surrogate objective. We show that the new constraint can be effectively enforced by being conservative when optimizing the generalized objective function in practice. We call the resulting algorithm Trust-REgion-Free Policy Optimization (TREFree) as it is free of any explicit trust region constraints. Empirical results show that TREFree outperforms TRPO and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) in terms of policy performance and sample efficiency.


  • Introduces TREFree, a novel algorithm that optimizes stochastic policies in deep RL without using trust regions.

  • Eliminates complex calculations associated with trust region constraints, reducing computational load.

  • Utilizes an advantage-weighted ratio to ensure monotonic improvement of policy performance, similar to TRPO, but more efficiently.

  • Demonstrates better performance and sample efficiency compared to TRPO and PPO across Mujoco suite continuous control tasks.

  • Employs a different approach to policy update constraints, updating probabilities based on empirically obtained samples.

In the world of deep reinforcement learning (RL), one of the enduring challenges is maximizing policy performance while maintaining computational efficiency. Two popular algorithms in this context are the Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). They aim to incrementally improve an agent's policy—the strategy for selecting actions based on the current state—while keeping updates to the policy within a specific constraint known as the trust region. The trust region helps to ensure that updates are not too drastic, which could otherwise lead to unstable training and poor performance.

Despite their success, a significant drawback of algorithms like TRPO is the high computational load involved in maintaining the trust region. This is due to the complex calculations required to ensure that policy updates stay within the defined bounds, including multiple steps of conjugate gradient and a large number of on-policy samples, which means samples gathered while following the current policy without deviation. This process can be both sample-inefficient and computationally demanding.

The paper in discussion introduces an innovative algorithm named Trust-REgion-Free Policy Optimization (TREFree), which, as the name suggests, does away with the conventional trust region constraints. The authors show that by adopting a different strategy that focuses on constraining the maximum advantage-weighted ratio between policies, it is possible to maintain monotonic improvement of policy performance without the need for explicit trust region enforcement.

The advantage-weighted ratio is essentially a measure of how much better the new policy is expected to perform over the old policy for each state-action pair. By being conservative when optimizing the generalized objective function—that is, not allowing the advantage-weighted ratio to change too drastically—TREFree ensures that the policy does not take overly aggressive steps that could harm performance. This allows the algorithm to preserve the underlying policy improvement guarantee provided by traditional methods like TRPO, but it achieves this more efficiently and without being tethered to a trust region.

Empirical experiments conducted in the study demonstrated that TREFree outperforms both TRPO and PPO in terms of policy performance and sample efficiency across various continuous control tasks derived from the Mujoco suite—a commonly used set of benchmarks in RL. These tasks range in complexity, and TREFree consistently showed better or comparable results across most of them. The exceptions were a few instances where performances were similar, suggesting that TREFree could be a strong candidate for RL challenges where sample efficiency and computational resources are significant concerns.

Another key aspect worth noting is that TREFree presents a fundamental shift in approach from traditional trust region methods. Where TRPO would symmetrically constrain probability ratios—essentially a measure of how different the new policy is compared to the old one—TREFree bounds them in a way that the policy is more often updated to increase probabilities on empirically obtained samples. This nuanced difference indicates that TREFree takes a fundamentally different approach to controlling policy updates compared to its predecessors.

In conclusion, the development of TREFree marks a promising step forward in the optimization of stochastic policies in RL, paving the way for more efficient training processes particularly beneficial in resource-constrained environments. By eliminating the need for trust regions while still achieving algorithmic stability and performance improvement, TREFree demonstrates the potential to be widely applicable in the RL landscape.


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