Emergent Mind

A Text-guided Protein Design Framework

Published Feb 9, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , q-bio.QM , and stat.ML


Current AI-assisted protein design mainly utilizes protein sequential and structural information. Meanwhile, there exists tremendous knowledge curated by humans in the text format describing proteins' high-level functionalities. Yet, whether the incorporation of such text data can help protein design tasks has not been explored. To bridge this gap, we propose ProteinDT, a multi-modal framework that leverages textual descriptions for protein design. ProteinDT consists of three subsequent steps: ProteinCLAP which aligns the representation of two modalities, a facilitator that generates the protein representation from the text modality, and a decoder that creates the protein sequences from the representation. To train ProteinDT, we construct a large dataset, SwissProtCLAP, with 441K text and protein pairs. We quantitatively verify the effectiveness of ProteinDT on three challenging tasks: (1) over 90\% accuracy for text-guided protein generation; (2) best hit ratio on 10 zero-shot text-guided protein editing tasks; (3) superior performance on four out of six protein property prediction benchmarks.

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