Emergent Mind

Quantum Multi-Agent Actor-Critic Networks for Cooperative Mobile Access in Multi-UAV Systems

Published Feb 9, 2023 in cs.MA , cs.AI , and cs.LG


This paper proposes a novel algorithm, named quantum multi-agent actor-critic networks (QMACN) for autonomously constructing a robust mobile access system employing multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). In the context of facilitating collaboration among multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the application of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) techniques is regarded as a promising approach. These methods enable UAVs to learn collectively, optimizing their actions within a shared environment, ultimately leading to more efficient cooperative behavior. Furthermore, the principles of a quantum computing (QC) are employed in our study to enhance the training process and inference capabilities of the UAVs involved. By leveraging the unique computational advantages of quantum computing, our approach aims to boost the overall effectiveness of the UAV system. However, employing a QC introduces scalability challenges due to the near intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) limitation associated with qubit usage. The proposed algorithm addresses this issue by implementing a quantum centralized critic, effectively mitigating the constraints imposed by NISQ limitations. Additionally, the advantages of the QMACN with performance improvements in terms of training speed and wireless service quality are verified via various data-intensive evaluations. Furthermore, this paper validates that a noise injection scheme can be used for handling environmental uncertainties in order to realize robust mobile access.

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