Emergent Mind

Feature-based SpMV Performance Analysis on Contemporary Devices

Published Feb 8, 2023 in cs.DC


The SpMV kernel is characterized by high performance variation per input matrix and computing platform. While GPUs were considered State-of-the-Art for SpMV, with the emergence of advanced multicore CPUs and low-power FPGA accelerators, we need to revisit its performance and energy efficiency. This paper provides a high-level SpMV performance analysis based on structural features of matrices related to common bottlenecks of memory-bandwidth intensity, low ILP, load imbalance and memory latency overheads. Towards this, we create a wide artificial matrix dataset that spans these features and study the performance of different storage formats in nine modern HPC platforms; five CPUs, three GPUs and an FPGA. After validating our proposed methodology using real-world matrices, we analyze our extensive experimental results and draw key insights on the competitiveness of different target architectures for SpMV and the impact of each feature/bottleneck on its performance.

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