Emergent Mind

On Private and Robust Bandits

Published Feb 6, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.CR , and stat.ML


We study private and robust multi-armed bandits (MABs), where the agent receives Huber's contaminated heavy-tailed rewards and meanwhile needs to ensure differential privacy. We first present its minimax lower bound, characterizing the information-theoretic limit of regret with respect to privacy budget, contamination level and heavy-tailedness. Then, we propose a meta-algorithm that builds on a private and robust mean estimation sub-routine \texttt{PRM} that essentially relies on reward truncation and the Laplace mechanism only. For two different heavy-tailed settings, we give specific schemes of \texttt{PRM}, which enable us to achieve nearly-optimal regret. As by-products of our main results, we also give the first minimax lower bound for private heavy-tailed MABs (i.e., without contamination). Moreover, our two proposed truncation-based \texttt{PRM} achieve the optimal trade-off between estimation accuracy, privacy and robustness. Finally, we support our theoretical results with experimental studies.

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