Emergent Mind

Quantum Data-Syndrome Codes: Subsystem and Impure Code Constructions

Published Feb 3, 2023 in quant-ph , cs.IT , and math.IT


Quantum error correction requires the use of error syndromes derived from measurements that may be unreliable. Recently, quantum data-syndrome (QDS) codes have been proposed as a possible approach to protect against both data and syndrome errors, in which a set of linearly dependent stabilizer measurements are performed to increase redundancy. Motivated by wanting to reduce the total number of measurements performed, we introduce QDS subsystem codes, and show that they can outperform similar QDS stabilizer codes derived from them. We also give a construction of single-error-correcting QDS stabilizer codes from impure stabilizer codes, and show that any such code must satisfy a variant of the quantum Hamming bound for QDS codes. Finally, we use this bound to prove a new bound that applies to impure, but not pure, stabilizer codes that may be of independent interest.

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