Emergent Mind

Neural Insights for Digital Marketing Content Design

Published Feb 2, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.AI


In digital marketing, experimenting with new website content is one of the key levers to improve customer engagement. However, creating successful marketing content is a manual and time-consuming process that lacks clear guiding principles. This paper seeks to close the loop between content creation and online experimentation by offering marketers AI-driven actionable insights based on historical data to improve their creative process. We present a neural-network-based system that scores and extracts insights from a marketing content design, namely, a multimodal neural network predicts the attractiveness of marketing contents, and a post-hoc attribution method generates actionable insights for marketers to improve their content in specific marketing locations. Our insights not only point out the advantages and drawbacks of a given current content, but also provide design recommendations based on historical data. We show that our scoring model and insights work well both quantitatively and qualitatively.

AI-driven marketing content design process.


  • The paper presents a multimodal neural network system that predicts the success rate of digital marketing content by incorporating various data forms like images, text, and other features.

  • It introduces post-hoc interpretation methods to generate actionable insights for marketers, enabling them to refine their content based on strong and weak aspects highlighted by the model.

  • The proposed system outperforms traditional machine learning models in prediction accuracy and quality of insights, showing significant improvements in RMSE and MAE metrics and providing a user-friendly interactive dashboard for content improvement.

Neural Insights for Digital Marketing Content Design

The paper "Neural Insights for Digital Marketing Content Design", presented at KDD ’23, addresses the inefficiencies and subjective biases inherent in the current digital marketing content design process. The authors propose a novel AI-driven system that utilizes deep learning models to predict the success rate of marketing content and provide actionable insights to marketers.

Summary of Contributions

Digital marketing experimentation traditionally relies on manual content creation followed by A/B testing to gauge effectiveness. However, this process is labor-intensive and provides limited actionable feedback. To enhance this workflow, the authors introduce a multimodal deep neural network system capable of predicting content attractiveness and generating interpretable insights for content refinement.

The main contributions of this work are:

  1. Multimodal Neural Network: A predictive model that incorporates multiple data modalities — images, text, domain, and handcrafted features — to score marketing content.
  2. Post-Hoc Interpretation: Use of model-agnostic attribution methods to generate actionable insights by highlighting the strongest and weakest aspects of the content.
  3. Interactive Dashboard: An interface that overlays interpretive insights directly onto the content, accompanied by high-ranked design element suggestions based on historical data.


Prediction Model

The neural network model ingests various forms of marketing content, including visual, textual, and categorical features:

  • Image Processing: Utilizing ResNet-18 to extract embeddings.
  • Text Processing: Using BERT for textual feature embeddings.
  • Categorical Features: Fully-connected MLP networks for both domain and other categorical features.
  • Fusion: Combination of all modality-specific embeddings into a unified representation, followed by regression via another MLP to predict success rate.

The model is trained in two phases. Individual modality-specific sub-networks are pretrained separately before the entire multimodal network is fine-tuned on the full dataset.

Insight Generation

Given the black-box nature of deep learning models, the authors use post-hoc interpretation methods such as GradCam, Integrated Gradient, Kernel SHAP, Feature Ablation, and PCA to generate attributions for each feature within the content. These attributions serve as the basis for actionable insights.

  • Text Insights: Word-level and phrase-level recommendations are made based on average attribution scores, helping marketers modify or enhance specific textual elements.
  • Image Insights: The system identifies salient image patches that contribute most to content success, recommending modifications to specific parts of the image.


To measure the effectiveness of the proposed system, the authors evaluate both the prediction accuracy and the quality of insights. The prediction model's performance is benchmarked against conventional methods, including GLM, MLP, and XGBoost, showing significant improvements in RMSE and MAE.

For insight evaluation, the authors propose a Pearson correlation-based metric to quantify how well the suggested modifications impact actual success rates. Integrated Gradients and PCA demonstrate high correlation scores, suggesting reliable insights.

Experimental Results

The multimodal neural network outperforms traditional machine learning models, achieving up to a 68% reduction in RMSE and up to a 75% reduction in MAE. In terms of insights quality, PCA-based insights show a correlation increase of 493% for text and 145% for images compared to GradCam, underlying the strengths of the proposed model in practical scenarios.

Implications and Future Work

This study makes significant strides in bridging the gap between content creation and its iterative refinement through data-driven insights. Practically, this system could transform the efficiency and effectiveness of digital marketing strategies, leading to more targeted and impactful content.

Theoretically, introducing deep learning-based models into marketing content design paves the way for advancements in AI interpretability and its real-world applications. Future research may explore causal-aware models to further understand the drivers of content success and integrate even more sophisticated language and vision models to improve both predictive power and interpretative clarity.


The introduction of a multimodal neural network for digital marketing content design represents a notable advancement in AI-driven marketing technologies. This framework not only enhances the accuracy of success rate prediction but also provides meaningful, actionable insights, fostering more informed and effective content creation processes.

By releasing the pseudo-code and visual dashboard interface, the authors facilitate the adoption and replication of their methods within the industry, thereby setting a foundation for future developments in AI-enhanced digital marketing.

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