Emergent Mind

Self-Supervised Relation Alignment for Scene Graph Generation

Published Feb 2, 2023 in cs.CV


The goal of scene graph generation is to predict a graph from an input image, where nodes correspond to identified and localized objects and edges to their corresponding interaction predicates. Existing methods are trained in a fully supervised manner and focus on message passing mechanisms, loss functions, and/or bias mitigation. In this work we introduce a simple-yet-effective self-supervised relational alignment regularization designed to improve the scene graph generation performance. The proposed alignment is general and can be combined with any existing scene graph generation framework, where it is trained alongside the original model's objective. The alignment is achieved through distillation, where an auxiliary relation prediction branch, that mirrors and shares parameters with the supervised counterpart, is designed. In the auxiliary branch, relational input features are partially masked prior to message passing and predicate prediction. The predictions for masked relations are then aligned with the supervised counterparts after the message passing. We illustrate the effectiveness of this self-supervised relational alignment in conjunction with two scene graph generation architectures, SGTR and Neural Motifs, and show that in both cases we achieve significantly improved performance.

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